
The personal development benefits for young people of going to sea under sail are well understood, and we believe sailing in classic and traditional boats provides a particularly good experience. It is a life enhancing experience for all, and can be truly life changing for some.
Affordable opportunities for young people to go to sea in a sail-training vessel for more than a few days or a week at most are now very few and far between, so the Foundation’s support for this nine night voyage will provide a rare opportunity for the young crew of ‘Pegasus’ to have the more fulfilling and beneficial experience of a longer voyage.
Each trainee crew will be asked to contribute no more than £200 towards the total cost of £1190 per place charged by the Island Trust. The Classic Young Sailors Foundation will fund the balance of £990. We feel it is important that each trainee has some ‘buy-in’ to the experience matched to their ability to pay, but bursaries will be available for those who are unable to afford their contribution or raise it through sponsorship.
Never before in our lifetimes have young people had such reduced opportunities to widen their horizons and gain new and challenging experiences, and never before have life enhancing experiences such as this voyage been more needed for the physical and mental development and wellbeing of our next generation. All the young crew will be from deserving and disadvantaged backgrounds and all would not otherwise have such a great opportunity.
The Foundation has launched an appeal to raise £9,000 to cover most of the cost of this voyage.
Every £990 raised will fund a place for one trainee.
We will be delighted if you would like to contribute by making a donation to the appeal.
The card payment page at the above link gives you the option to Gift Aid your donation. As a registered charity the Foundation can reclaim standard rate tax on all donations from UK taxpayers.
If you prefer not to donate by card, you can donate by making a BACS transfer to:
Classic Young Sailors Foundation
Sort Code: 40-36-02 Account No: 51677977
To claim Gift Aid on a BACS transfer, please download and complete our Gift Aid Form.
Amazon Smile
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